Custom Booth Rental:Maximize Impact, Minimize Hassle

Maximize Impact, Minimize Hassle: The Benefits of Custom booth rental

They say, “Time Is Money.”

It’s a busy world. Everyone is caught up in their own world with little time for other things. Likewise, exhibiting companies too are caught up in important matters leading up to the trade show. Rather than spare time overseeing booth construction and design, they are opting to rent booths customized to make a statement.

Custom Booth Rental offers quality benefits without overshooting your budget. Better still, you can have it built and designed to make it truly unique. That said, you can also exhibit at two or more trade shows simultaneously or on successive days. You will also get to save money on booth disposal, insurance, and repair, and most importantly not having to be bothered by logistics needs.

The Benefits of Customized Booth Rental

Custom Booth Rental when crafted by an expert source can be every bit as unique to reflect your brand as a booth you own outright.

  • Visitors at trade shows tend to majorly remember and recollect booths that are distinctive and unique.
  • A booth that is customized has the uncanny knack of attracting audience’s attention and drawing them to the booth. To make the whole experience memorable for them,
  • Ensure it is unique in design well-supplemented by innovative lighting and flooring.
  • Include interactive activities like games, quiz, etc. The effect will be even more dramatic. If the booth staff members are clever, they can capitalize on the traffic flow and drive business sales.


Customized booths offer a multitude of design possibilities. You can have graphics and displays customized. This will give the booth a strong brand identity and make it stand out from the crowd.

With a customized rental booth you have unlimited design possibilities. If cleverly capitalized upon, they help to

  • Reinforce your brand identity visually as well as materially.
  • Create and sustain brand consistency.
  • Convey your brand values the way it should be.
  • Colors, fonts, and visuals can be better integrated to reflect your brand image and attract your target audience. A healthy mix of branding and visual personalization integrated seamlessly will leave a positive lasting impact.


A custom rental booth is customized to reflect the uniqueness of your company with precision. This can be a huge benefit if you’re looking to attend different trade shows in different cities, especially if the trade shows have their own constraints regarding space and other aspects.

You can avail customized graphic panels that portray your company image and product offerings. This way, you get the opportunity to

  • Gain a clear perspective whether your event exhibiting strategy is working effectively to promote product sales.
  • Identify what kind of booths competitors use and determine which among them will work best for your own specific needs.
  • Survey visitors to your booth regarding their propensity to buy your products.
  • See what your competitors are doing to promote their own products/services.
  • Avail unique networking opportunities with industry experts and peers. You will also be better placed to interact with potential customers whom you have not met and get them converted into high-opportunity leads.
  • Learn about industry developments and trends that can impact your product development and sales performance.


Branding is a powerful tool.

  • A custom rental booth crafted by expert booth builders significantly helps to enhance at trade shows your brand’s visibility. They are designed to not just captivate the audience but also to drive memorable interactions that sync with attendees expectations.
  • A skilled booth builder is well-placed to align meticulously the booth with your brand’s visual identity while ensuring brand consistency across all elements. This will significantly reinforce brand recognition.
  • Customizing every aspect of the rented booth from the overall layout to interactive features will help it to engage visitors better and make every interaction worthwhile.
  • Enhancing the aesthetic and interactive appeal of your custom rental booth will help in transforming visitor perceptions and drive healthier visitor-engagement at your booth.
  • Integrating interactive elements like Interactive Games, or Product Demos, or Interactive Touch-Screens or Kiosks, can transform even a routine visit into a memorable experience for the visitor.

Above all, they all encourage visitors to spend more time at your booth. This in turn if cleverly capitalized upon can lead to lasting business relationships.


Owning a booth comes with its own set of advantages. But building a booth can be a lengthy and often complicated process.

Renting a booth can on the other hand save you considerable amount of time, money, and resources. Besides, it also offers flexibility.

You can

  • Test with Customizable rental exhibits new branding concepts.
  • Study and evaluate the results of participating in a show before looking to buy a booth.
  • Elevate the level of your presence by exhibiting at different trade shows at the same time.
  • Adapt to the requirements of different shows, markets, and audiences. Besides some trade shows have their own rules and regulations regarding booth’s size. With a custom rental booth, you can get the specifics incorporated in no time. Like for example, you can adapt your booth’s aesthetic and messaging accordingly without hassles.
  • Bring down the production and turnaround time that comes with working with prefabricated customizable designs.

You also get to

  • Have a design customized to reflect your brand image and speak about your brand. You can have Double-Deck Displays, Pop-Up Shops, Island & Peninsular Displays, and more to complement it and make it more interesting.
  • Have new accessories or elements incorporated in the custom rental booth design to give it a wholly new appearance. Some good examples include Hanging Banners, Counters, Pedestals, Product Displays, Conference & Storage Rooms, Lighting Accessories, Trade Show Towers, etc.


Attendees at trade shows are generally in a rush. At times they get caught up in bustle of the crowd.

Your booth’s visual must entice them to stop by and catch up on what you have to offer.

But how do you do it?

A custom rental booth offers a larger visual palette with ample options. Select the one that best tells and depicts your story visually. They make your booth easily visible from several directions.

Besides you have the option to select,

  • Multi-story or Double-Decked Displays. They allow your booth to stand above the competitors.
  • Custom artwork and Signage. They can transform your rental booth into a top-tier branding machine.
  • Lighting Options. Select the best option that facilitates movement of people.


Rental booth providers generally offer innovative rental programs. They come with several beneficial features that can uplift your booth’s look and give it a sharper appearance.

You get to

  • Explore and try out different innovative ideas, concepts, and cutting-edge technologies.
  • Incorporate them in creative ways. This will help to position your brand as a trendsetter in adapting and showcasing the latest tech innovations.
  • If you get them right, you can create a good ‘first impression’ that has a lasting effect on the audience.
  • Keep your Custom Booth Rental as simple as possible. They make it look visually pleasing to the eyes. Additionally, they also make the messaging more focused disseminating the product name and USP in a manner that will make the booth feel more welcoming.

About Us

SOL Brand Solutions Inc. is a trade show booth design company focused on providing solutions in trade shows, expositions and global conferences. Our expertise in the booth rentals space lies in our team which has a combined experience of over 50 years and has done exhibition executions across USA.

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SOL Brand Solutions Inc.
Cell:+ 1 (702) 271-5928

Warehouse Address:
720 W Cheyenne Ave , suite 150, North Las Vegas, Nv 89030

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