10 things to wish for: Trade show booth staff etiquette

10 things to wish for: Trade show booth staff etiquette

Trade shows are not just events. They are also part of marketing activities to promote your brand, reach out to your audience, and showcase your brand image in a professional light. The whole approach is to deliver a memorable brand experience.

The focus is predominantly on booth design and branding. Very little attention is paid to trade show booth staff and the need to maintain proper trade show booth etiquette.

Modern savvy attendees have changed all of that. They observe booth staff, how they interact, and how they respond to their queries. If you don’t have knowledgeable staff then it can project a poor image of your brand. The booth staff should be people who are highly professional and well-trained, believe in your products/services, and clearly know your goals and objectives.


Trade show etiquette has a direct impact on your brand image. The way in which your booth staff conduct and present themselves at the show will shape the perception of the attendees of your brand.

Trade Show Etiquette

  • Gives booth staff a litany of guidelines by which to operate and conduct themselves at the show.
  • Shows the booth staff the right path to tread when they’re not sure how to handle and tackle a situation.
  • Helps booth staff make a good first impression. This will help to attract more people to the booth, create a positive image of your brand, and deliver the results you look for.

The top ten etiquette tips includes,


Most exhibitors tend to ignore the significance of well-mannered staff. More prominence is given to issues like booth planning, design and construction, logistics, etc. They believe that being professionals, booth staff will know how to present themselves at the show. But that’s not the case always.

Just maintaining a well-designed booth alone does not help. The booth staff too should also maintain a well-designed appearance. When they display proper demeanor, it sends across the right vibes to the audience.

It does not matter what kind of booth size you have. Whether its 10’x10’ or 30’x30’ or 40’x50’. What matters more is well-mannered and presentable staff. When they’re trained well, they develop the right attitude to interact with the attendees.


Healthy body language is important. As a non-verbal form of communication, it plays a key role in shaping the impression of the audience.

Attendees after being initially drawn in by your brand or booth, look at the booth staff. Aside from what you have to offer, the booth staff is what makes them spend time at the booth.

To cast a positive impression, your booth staff should present a positive body language. Like,

  • Greeting people as they walk into or by the booth.
  • Presenting a smiling face and making direct eye contact.
  • Standing up straight in front of the booth.
  • Keeping hands out of pockets.

Attendees are put off by staff members who cross their arms or legs; look disinterested or yawn; lean against the booth wall or furniture; or talk on mobile while speaking to the attendee. They all send across a negative image of ill-mannered staff. Also, they create a negative image of the brand.


Attendees appreciate pleasant appearance. Be it your booth or booth staff, they will appreciate if the appearance is warm and welcoming.

To create a welcoming atmosphere and make the whole setting pleasant, the booth staff should

  • Greet attendees warmly with enthusiasm.
  • Maintain proper eye contact.
  • Maintain a friendly and approachable presence.
  • Pay attention to potential customer’s body language. This will indicate whether they’re showing interest or not.
  • If the booth staff presents a lackluster appearance then it will put off the attendee and drive them out.


To cultivate leads, trade show booth staff must know what kind of queries will help to cultivate them.

Queries like

  • How they’re doing?
  • What kind of products/services you’re looking for?
  • Are you satisfied with existing product/service and if not what kind of product/service will satisfy you?

Such queries tend to get them involved in a conversation. They feel that the staff is responsive to their needs and are keen to cater to their requirements.


Booth staff should not only be good communicators but also good listeners. When attendees pose queries, they should listen with rapt attention and then give the right answer. This will demonstrate they’re genuinely interested in their needs.

They should refrain from

  • Interrupting when they’re posed queries.
  • Looking elsewhere when they’re asked queries.
  • If the booth staff is active and listens keenly, visitors will be more open to learning what the company has to offer.


Trade show booth staff must prioritize attendees’ needs first. Their priority must be to engage with attendees’ rather than personal calls.

  • Stay attentive and accessible to the attendees through the event.
  • Refrain from allowing distractions to detract from their interactions with attendees.


Trade shows are often tiring and draining. As such, food and drink are kept in booths for staff’s personal consumption and rejuvenate their spirits.

Trade show etiquette says,

  • Avoid eating snacks or drinking and even chewing gum inside the booth when attendees are around or be visible to the attendees.
  • Avoid having plastic bottles, napkins, and other such like items in and around the booth when the show is on and attendees are around.
  • To present a professional image, branded food items or refillable water bottles is a great option.


As guests in your booth, attendees need to be given prominence with the highest courtesy.

  • Engage them respectfully. Every interaction presents an opportunity to build rapport and cultivate trust.
  • Guide and assist them willingly. Avoid applying undue pressure or showing aggressing.
  • Listen to their inquiries. Every interaction should be done in a professional manner.
  • Respect their space. Allow them to explore company offerings at own pace. Refrain from resorting to undue pressure or high pressure sales tactics.


Some companies insist their staff stick to corporate attire, that is, suit and trousers with tie. Others allow their staff wear business casual apparel, that is, sports coats, polo shirts, etc. There are some companies that insist staff wear branded apparel or uniform.

Ultimately whatever the company management instructions, trade show booth staff must dress in the appropriate attire that aligns with their brand image. This will indicate to the audience their professional commitment and enhances their brand credibility.


Qualified prospects must be followed-up within 48 hours after the event.

However, not every prospect is worth following up. Only those prospects that show interest in the company’s offerings and stand high chances of conversion into customers are worth it. This should ideally be done within 48 hours after the event.

  • Remind the prospect about their time in the booth.
  • Thank the prospect for their time spent in the booth.
  • Explain the merits of opting for company product/service and how it can help them.

If done accordingly, it will leave a positive impression on the prospect and rekindle their interest in the company’s offerings.

Never ever let the opportunity of following-up valuable leads slip by. Timely follow-up leads to nurturing healthy connections and converting prospects into customers.

About Us

SOL Brand Solutions Inc. is a trade show booth design company focused on providing solutions in trade shows, expositions and global conferences. Our expertise in the booth rentals space lies in our team which has a combined experience of over 50 years and has done exhibition executions across USA.

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Cell:+ 1 (702) 271-5928

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