Exhibition Stand Booth, Trade show display rental, Booth Design, Trade show design, Show Booth, Custom trade show booth


An exhibit rental can be a wise investment in many ways.

But the thing is it depends on how best you leverage its benefits to your advantage; AND maximizing ROI.

Besides, you also need to leverage it effectively enough to create brand awareness, and facilitate lead generation. This will help to measuring success of your investment in the exhibit rental.

Eventually, the more it is able to create brand awareness and fuel lead generation and conversion into customers, the more it indicates that your performance has been successful.


An tradeshow rental can be a boon in many ways.

But the thing is when measuring success, how does an tradeshow rental help and how it can be used to maximizing ROI?

The answer to this query lies in the following aspects.


Before looking to go for an exhibit rental, you need to pick the right trade show to participate in. There will be several trade shows held in a year but it does not mean that you need to take part in all of them. This is a mistake that most amateurs to trade shows make. Even veteran exhibitors are not guilty of making this mistake.

The best move would be to take part in a trade show that will offer you the maximum benefits. Do a thorough research of which trade shows you would like to attend. This will help you to zero in on the trade show that best complements your brand; attracts the most attendance; and help achieve your goals and not to forget help in maximizing ROI.

It does not matter if you select a small trade show. What matters is the audience participation in the show; and how it will benefit your brand in maximizing ROI. Your focus should be on attracting the right audience and increase eventual conversion rate.


Before making up your mind to go for an tradeshow rental, you need to have an effective strategy in place. That is, a strategy detailing how it should be used to create brand awareness and facilitate lead generation.

Opting for an tradeshow rental is a sensible move. But you need to make the most out of it and you also need to generate hype about it before the trade show day. This is where having a proper strategy in place will work to your benefit.

More than 85 percent of the companies confirmed that they rent exhibit displays only after prior marketing. The effect of prior marketing can be judged from the fact that over 80 percent of the companies said prior marketing helped them to fuel increased visitor traffic to their exhibits.

You can extract maximum benefits only if you create the right hype with a marketing blitz about it before the trade show day. This will get the audience interested in it. Like for instance, let the audience know that your brand will be on display at the trade show; where your tradeshow rental location will be on the trade show floor; and what they can expect from your tradeshow rental?

Your marketing blitz should have a message crafted in a way that will help it to attract maximum attention on social media platforms. If this is done appropriately, you can succeed in winning over prominent influencers and get them on board.


An exhibit rental design can make a major difference when maximizing ROI at a trade show. In many ways, how your tradeshow rental design looks and feels to the audience will play a key role in measuring success.

If the tradeshow rental design is too cluttered or feels too empty, then the visitors’ will be put off by it and assume that your exhibit has nothing to offer to them.

Hence, you need to get your tradeshow rental design right. Your tradeshow rental design should ideally have your product at the center stage; and avoid extravagant as well as unnecessary features which will only distort the very purpose of its relevance. In other words, they will only make for a showpiece with little substance.

To avoid getting caught up in such a situation, opt for a professional tradeshow rental company with proven expertise in design and other aspects. This will help you to get an tradeshow rental design that stands out from the crowd; and most importantly, help in maximizing ROI.


Maximizing ROI does not happen overnight. You need to network with your target-audience effectively.  

Your staff needs to be trained on how to network with people; and how to strike conversations and win over attendee’s favor. They should also be trained on understanding that not every person who attends the trade show can become a prospective customer. Instead, they should be trained to identify customer profiles that match your brand’s definition of customer; and accordingly target those attendees. 

Once your staff is clear on what they need to do and know how to do it, it becomes a lot easier to communicate your brand’s message effectively to earn maximum points.


There are some companies that think just setting-up tradeshow rental booth will on own automatically attract the audience, earn positive leads, and win them business.

But fact is that is wishful thinking at best.

Trade shows only offer a platform to introduce your brand and products/services to the audience. Aside from this, they help to facilitate meetings between two interested parties.

It is only at the end of the trade show that the real work begins. That is, following up with qualified leads whose details you have stored in a database. Let your staff reach out to them through email messaging or a phone call, and work them over to convert into a customer.

For a better impact, go for an external CRM tool. This will help you to input data about those customers you have successfully converted; and those you have not. This way, you can use the positive data for measuring success in the trade show; and get an insight on whether your investment has been worth it


For measuring success, you also need to do a thorough post-mortem analysis of your performance at the trade show.

It will give an insight into your performance at the trade show; the impact of your exhibit rental investment; the number of visitors it was able to convert into leads and those who went on to become customers; and other criteria that goes into maximizing ROI and measuring success.


Gathering and analyzing data about the visitors at the trade show is the best way to maximizing ROI. In case, your performance is not up to the mark, you can find reasons that will tell you where you went wrong and what you need to do to improve.

ALSO READ: 7 Ways to Make Your Trade Show Booth Prospects into Your Clients

About Us

SOL Brand Solutions Inc. is a trade show booth design company focused on providing solutions in trade shows, expositions and global conferences. Our expertise in the booth rentals space lies in our team which has a combined experience of over 50 years and has done exhibition executions across USA.

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SOL Brand Solutions Inc.
Cell:+ 1 (702) 271-5928

Warehouse Address:
720 W Cheyenne Ave , suite 150, North Las Vegas, Nv 89030

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